Muertos Halloween Carnival

- What
- Muertos Halloween Carnival
- When
- 10/29/2021
- Where
- Park Side
On Friday, October 29th, SEF will host the Muertos Halloween Carnival at Park Side during school hours. It will take place on the blacktop, outside, during school hours. There will be carnival games, a raffle, art and more! Each grade/class will have their own turn to visit as we are following cohort and social distancing policies.
Students are encouraged to wear their costumes for this festive day. Please note the following rules:
Although dressing up for Halloween is fun, education is the first priority. Costumes must not inhibit a student’s ability to participate fully in classes, nor may it inhibit another’s access to learning. All costumes must be school appropriate.
Please note the following rules regarding costumes:
• School dress guidelines apply, Please wear safe shoes covering toes and fully backed.
• No costumes that may offend others due to race, culture, gender, religion, political stance, sexual orientation, or identity
• No toy weapons or objects/elements that represent violence
• No full face masks or fully painted faces
◦ Face masks following COVID guidelines must be worn
• No gang, drug, or alcohol references
• No blood or overly grotesque costumes/accessories
If ANY costume is deemed inappropriate by staff, the student may be asked to change. If alternate clothing is not available, the student will be asked to wear loaned clothing or call a parent/guardian for assistance.